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EQV Fraternity 1954 - 1968

Welcome.  Those of you who have logged on out of curiosity, here is where you can find out about a fraternity which no longer exists on campus, but which lives on in its members, about a fraternity which was well ahead of its time in beliefs.

Those of you who have logged on because you are a member (yes, the "are" is intended), here you can find photos, documents, and news about what we are doing as a group and as individuals.

The content of the site will be updated as needed, and the amount of news here will largely depend on what you contribute - musings, memories, newspaper clips, book reviews, anything.  Please send stuff to Jan Van Meter at bensfamily@aol.com.

This site has been made possible by the generous cooperation of Andy Tanaka of the Development Office, Dave Carlsson of the Wesleyan Technology staff, and Wesleyan as a whole.  But, without the technological skills and design abilities of Burr Taylor ('61), it would not have happened at all.  Burr has also volunteered to be our web skipper.

As a group, we will in our traditionally informal way, attempt to keep alive what we are and what EQV meant.  Certainly the success of last year's reunion indicates that EQV does continue to live in you, in the way you are living your lives, and in the nascent EQV Fellows program (but more on that elsewhere).  The fact that 68 out of a possible 211 committed to attend our reunion (many more sent their regrets since they were otherwise committed and/or out of the country) and found there enormous fellowship means, to me, that keeping what we were and are alive is important, at least to us.

All comments are welcome, so feel free.  We know you will.

The Origins of EQV  by Gus Napier ('60)
The Middle Years and the End of EQV by Jan Van Meter ('63)
Appendix A: The Case against the Re-establishment of AXP at Wesleyan
Appendix B: Copies of original documents related to the break with Alpha Chi Rho
Appendix C: Copies of original documents related to last years of the fraternity
Pictures from the recent and not so recent past
Also , EQV at Wesleyan: The pledge rushing book for August 1961 in PDF format.
EQV 1963 Pledge rushing book for 1963
Julius Kaplan's Snapshot Album 1962 and nice postcard of EQV
Also, words to "My Girl's From...
Composite pictures of several classes

Pictures of reunions and intern receptions (2013, 2015)
1957-58; 1959-60; 1961-62; 1963-64; 1965-67; in Memoriam
Interns '06, '07, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, 14, 15
Find information about the Internship program: biographies of Interns, descriptions of intern's experiences, some follow-up interviews and lists of donors (updated 10/15/2015)
New:The Argus Uncovers History Of Progressive Frat’s Rebellion
Content of List Serve announcements
The AXP/EQV Directory is only available to alumni brothers and is not on-line.  If you want a copy, please email Jan Van Meter at
Links Relating to Members
Links  from the internet about members of EQV